SimplyFun Blog


SimplyFun Blog

Sustainable Games - Asymbol Wooden Game

Our Commitment to Creating More Sustainable Games

Learn about SimplyFun's efforts to reduce waste, use sustainable materials when possible, and keep games out of landfills.

Our Commitment to Creating More Sustainable Games

Learn about SimplyFun's efforts to reduce waste, use sustainable materials when possible, and keep games out of landfills.

SimplyFun Blog - Behind the Scenes with Team Digger!

Behind the Scenes with Team Digger!

Have you ever wondered how a spark of an idea becomes an award-winning game? Let's take a peek behind the curtain of the newest Math & STEM game, Team Digger.  

Behind the Scenes with Team Digger!

Have you ever wondered how a spark of an idea becomes an award-winning game? Let's take a peek behind the curtain of the newest Math & STEM game, Team Digger.  

Aspirational play and kids exploring STEM activities

Aspirational Play Can Help Kids Explore STEM

Aspirational play comes naturally to children. They may borrow dad's white button up for a lab coat while pretending to be a scientist. Or make mud pies in a make-believe...

Aspirational Play Can Help Kids Explore STEM

Aspirational play comes naturally to children. They may borrow dad's white button up for a lab coat while pretending to be a scientist. Or make mud pies in a make-believe...

Incorporating 'Sneaky Math' into Everyday Life

Incorporating 'Sneaky Math' into Everyday Life

March is the perfect time to incorporate sneaky math into everyday life! Sneaky math helps kids understand math and math concepts in a fun way to build confidence and support a positive...

Incorporating 'Sneaky Math' into Everyday Life

March is the perfect time to incorporate sneaky math into everyday life! Sneaky math helps kids understand math and math concepts in a fun way to build confidence and support a positive...

Early coding game Team Digger by SimplyFun

Learn Early Coding in Team Digger!

Bark hello to SimplyFun's new Math & STEM game, Team Digger! Play cooperatively as a team to learn sequencing, spatial reasoning, and early coding skills while digging for bones! Team Digger...

Learn Early Coding in Team Digger!

Bark hello to SimplyFun's new Math & STEM game, Team Digger! Play cooperatively as a team to learn sequencing, spatial reasoning, and early coding skills while digging for bones! Team Digger...

Soft Skills vs. Hard Skills, Why Do Kids Need Both?

Soft Skills vs. Hard Skills, Why Do Kids Need B...

How developing your child's soft skills and hard skills at an early age can help them thrive in the future.

Soft Skills vs. Hard Skills, Why Do Kids Need B...

How developing your child's soft skills and hard skills at an early age can help them thrive in the future.

SimplyFun Blog -Raising Confident Learners with Educational Games

Raising Confident Learners with Educational Games

Confident learners are not born confident. They are simply the result of encouragement and effective teaching. Each student is unique, and no two children learn in quite the same way....

Raising Confident Learners with Educational Games

Confident learners are not born confident. They are simply the result of encouragement and effective teaching. Each student is unique, and no two children learn in quite the same way....

SimplyFun Blog - Top 10 Games of 2022

Top 10 Games of 2022

Cheers to a new year! As we reflect on the last 12 months, we cannot help but smile knowing that our games brought laughter and togetherness, and plenty of learning...

Top 10 Games of 2022

Cheers to a new year! As we reflect on the last 12 months, we cannot help but smile knowing that our games brought laughter and togetherness, and plenty of learning...

SimplyFun Blog - The Science of Color in Games

The Science of Color in Games

How we choose colors for our games to support players with Color Vision Deficiencies.

The Science of Color in Games

How we choose colors for our games to support players with Color Vision Deficiencies.

The Importance of Social Play

The Importance of Social Play

Social Play, Skills, and Development Make time for play! Playing and learning with games is not only fun, but it can also help children develop essential social competence that will...

The Importance of Social Play

Social Play, Skills, and Development Make time for play! Playing and learning with games is not only fun, but it can also help children develop essential social competence that will...

Benefits of children playing for early childhood development and mental health

The Benefits of Play for Children’s Development

Contemporary author, Diane Ackerman, once said, “Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning” and we couldn’t agree more! Can there be learning without play? Indeed. However, recent studies suggest...

The Benefits of Play for Children’s Development

Contemporary author, Diane Ackerman, once said, “Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning” and we couldn’t agree more! Can there be learning without play? Indeed. However, recent studies suggest...

Take the play promise challenge

Take the Play Promise Challenge

Creating healthy habits with a Play Promise Challenge. Making time for PLAY can significantly boost our mental and physical well-being. An unplugged playful moment can set the tone for our...

Take the Play Promise Challenge

Creating healthy habits with a Play Promise Challenge. Making time for PLAY can significantly boost our mental and physical well-being. An unplugged playful moment can set the tone for our...

how to increase your child's interest in math

Practical Ways to Increase Your Child’s Interes...

Are you a parent who wants to increase your child’s motivation and interest in math? If so, avoid math workbooks and flashcards. While some children may find these challenging and...

Practical Ways to Increase Your Child’s Interes...

Are you a parent who wants to increase your child’s motivation and interest in math? If so, avoid math workbooks and flashcards. While some children may find these challenging and...

Preschool alphabet game Rooby's ABCs by SimplyFun

Jumpstart Preschool Reading with Rooby’s ABCs

Get a jump start on preschool reading with Rooby's ABCs board game! A letter recognition and alphabet game for little learners ages 3 and up.

Jumpstart Preschool Reading with Rooby’s ABCs

Get a jump start on preschool reading with Rooby's ABCs board game! A letter recognition and alphabet game for little learners ages 3 and up.

Award-Winning Games of 2021

Award-Winning Games of 2021

Although we are so ready for 2022, let’s give the previous year one last look with SimplyFun’s Award-Winning Games of 2021! Ice Tumble Skills Focus : Spatial Reasoning, Fine Motor...

Award-Winning Games of 2021

Although we are so ready for 2022, let’s give the previous year one last look with SimplyFun’s Award-Winning Games of 2021! Ice Tumble Skills Focus : Spatial Reasoning, Fine Motor...

Chalk-A-Word is a fun word game for game night!

A Fun Word Game for Game Night- Chalk-A-Word!

Looking for a fun and interactive word game for game night? Let's play Chalk-A-Word!

A Fun Word Game for Game Night- Chalk-A-Word!

Looking for a fun and interactive word game for game night? Let's play Chalk-A-Word!

teaching kids communication skills

Communication Games for Kids

How game play can help build your child's communication skills.

Communication Games for Kids

How game play can help build your child's communication skills.

Educational games help prepare kids for back to school

Learning Through Play Supports Back-to-School S...

Avoid the 'summer slide' while helping kids prepare for back to school with these fun educational games!

Learning Through Play Supports Back-to-School S...

Avoid the 'summer slide' while helping kids prepare for back to school with these fun educational games!

Who Will Solve the Problems of Tomorrow? by SimplyFun games

Who Will Solve the Problems of Tomorrow?

The generations that follow us that will need to provide the long-term and impactful solutions to fix our planet’s biggest challenges.

Who Will Solve the Problems of Tomorrow?

The generations that follow us that will need to provide the long-term and impactful solutions to fix our planet’s biggest challenges.

Shore Seekers math game by SimplyFun

Meet the Island-Themed Math Game, Shore Seekers

Shore Seekers is an island-themed math game where players use addition and multiplication to help island sea turtles find the perfect spot to lay their eggs. 

Meet the Island-Themed Math Game, Shore Seekers

Shore Seekers is an island-themed math game where players use addition and multiplication to help island sea turtles find the perfect spot to lay their eggs. 

Build Creativity with Asymbol

Build Creativity with Asymbol

Get ready to flex your creative muscles with wood building blocks and shapes in Asymbol. You’ll be thinking outside the box as you come up with inventive ways to communicate your ideas with a...

Build Creativity with Asymbol

Get ready to flex your creative muscles with wood building blocks and shapes in Asymbol. You’ll be thinking outside the box as you come up with inventive ways to communicate your ideas with a...

Social and Emotional Development, Are Kids Behind?

Social and Emotional Development, Are Kids Behind?

There’s been a lot of chatter about how kids are behind academically as a result of COVID. As much as two years of school in some cases. But academics is...

Social and Emotional Development, Are Kids Behind?

There’s been a lot of chatter about how kids are behind academically as a result of COVID. As much as two years of school in some cases. But academics is...

Making Time For Play

Making Time For Play

Play Council Advisor, Matt Brown reflects on his memories of childhood and discusses the importance of PLAY for a child's social & emotional development.

Making Time For Play

Play Council Advisor, Matt Brown reflects on his memories of childhood and discusses the importance of PLAY for a child's social & emotional development.

Early childhood education game - Shelly's Pearl by SimplyFun

New Early Childhood Education Game, Shelly's Pe...

An early childhood education game that teaches preschoolers toachieve goals, practice strategy while building fine motor skills

New Early Childhood Education Game, Shelly's Pe...

An early childhood education game that teaches preschoolers toachieve goals, practice strategy while building fine motor skills