Piece Replacement
To request a piece replacement, please complete the form below.
In the comment box, please tell us the name of the game and the description of the piece or pieces you need to be replaced. The more specific you can be, the better. You may submit multiple games or piece requests on one form. Ex: Dreaming Dragons- Blue Pinchers, 1 purple lizard, two golden eggs. Color Huey & The Four Seasons: 1 pink chip, 1 blue chip.
Our goal is to create games that can enjoy a long life with your family, in libraries and in classrooms, and can be passed down and shared along the way. Our games are built to play and repeat.
To this end, we are conscientious about the materials we use, and the components included in our games as well as anticipating that some components may find a home down a heating vent or under the refrigerator requiring a replacement piece to keep the game in playable condition.
We offer a free piece replacement policy to help ensure that our games have a long life and are not disposed of into a landfill because a piece has been damaged or gone missing. If we have it, we share it at no cost to you. We don’t even require a proof of purchase to get replacement parts. Our view is that keeping the game whole, keeps it out of a landfill even if the game moves on to new game owners.
To ask about a replacement piece, contact us at 877.557.7767 or customercare@simplyfun.com
While you’re waiting for your piece replacement to arrive, check out our list of the Top 10 Places Game Pieces are Found.