Top 10 Games for Dad this Father’s Day

Father’s Day is coming up in June and you may be scratching your head trying to figure out what to get him as a gift this year. Look no further than 10 of our favorite dad-worthy board games that are fun for the whole family. After all, play is for everyone, including dads!
1. Grill Party
Get dad to step away from the BBQ and test his less than/more than skills with Grill Party. Move corn, fish, hot dogs, and veggie skewers on and off your grill to get rid of your cards, and keep everyone fed.
2. Kilter
Does dad love DIY home improvements? See how good he is at building on a teeter totter frame that keeps tipping with each block that is added. It’s harder than it looks.
3. Time Jumpers
We know dads of all ages love sharing “back in my day…” stories, but let’s see if he actually remembers what year particular events happened with this fun historical strategy game.
4. BankIt!
Dad may be great at telling you how to spend or save your allowance but find out how good he is at managing his own money with a round or two of Bankit!
5. Pack It
A Father’s Day family hike sounds like just the thing, especially when it comes to packing the perfect backpack. Give dad a trial run with Pack It so that he knows what he will likely end up carrying for everyone, when the family hits the real trail.
6. Get the Fly
Dad loves to go fishing as his Father’s Day treat, but just in case the fish aren’t biting and boredom hits, take along a packable game like Get the Fly. It’s sure to give everyone a good froggy laugh.
7. Let’s Drive
Are we there yet? Who better to play a game about learning states, state capitals, and scenic locations than the guy who never stops to ask directions, even when his GPS is out of juice?
8. Dish ’em Out
Taking the family out to breakfast for Father’s Day? Better get dad ready with some quick practice in navigating the diner rush before the bacon is gone.
9. Qualities
Dad knows best, but does he know his kids the best? Let’s find out in this challenge to rank various activities, values, and traits of our closest family members.
10. Crystal Cup Rally
Does Dad ever complain about the Monday morning rush hour? Whether by vehicle, train, bike, or other mode of transportation, give him the opportunity to show his navigating prowess managing the ups and downs, and ins and outs, of a truly otherworldly racecourse.
Looking for more games the whole family will enjoy? Take a look at our collection of Fun Family Board Games.
For more gift guides, check out our Board Game Lovers Gift Guide.