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A game where players race around a galactic track, using the energy of the planet’s crystals they collect along the course to power up their vehicles’ performance and access shortcuts, trying to reach the finish line first.
You can play Crystal Cup Rally with 2-5 players, ages 7 and up.
Crystal Cup Rally helps with Decision Making Skills as players choose how to power up their vehicles to use different routes along the racetrack, taking shortcuts or overcoming roadblocks.
Crystal Cup Rally is also good for developing Adaptability as players adjust their strategy to the changing course conditions that may pop up anywhere along the track.
• Set up the gameboard in the middle of the play area where everyone can reach. Refer to the Assembly Guide for step-by-step instructions.
• Place all six of the Obstacle Tiles on the shaded areas marked on the track.
• Have each player choose a Dashboard and matching racer pawn.
• Give each player the eight crystals that match their racer’s color. Players then place two of their colored crystals in each of the four Crystal Craters.
• With fewer than five players, place any unused Dashboards, pawns and crystals back in the box.
• Roll the Speed Die to determine who goes first. The player who rolls the highest number places their racer on the Starting Ramp in the outside lane.
Then continuing clockwise, players place their racer on the next starting-position space until all the racers are on the ramp.
Race around the track, choosing which paths to take to get ahead. You can power up your vehicle by collecting crystals that allow you to take shortcuts or increase your engine power. Racers can also place obstacles in the way of their opponents. Be the first racer to complete two laps around the track to win the coveted Crystal Cup Trophy!
The race begins and ends on the Starting Ramp. Passing the checkered line marks the start of the race, then the completion of the first lap and, after a second lap, the finish line.
When moving across the spaces with the gray arrows, players are allowed to select which lane they want to proceed in.
On your turn, roll both the Speed and Action Dice. You may choose to reroll one of the two dice for a chance at improving your options.
Speed Die
The Speed Die shows the number of spaces to move your pawn ahead while staying in your current lane.
Vehicles may not occupy the same space on the main track or Starting Ramp.
Vehicles may pass each other in the same lane, but the occupied space should still be counted as part of your Speed Die movement.
If your movement would end in a space occupied by another racer or an Obstacle Tile, stop your racer one space behind.
If you are prevented from moving at all, your turn ends.
Action Die
Use the Action Die to complete one of the following:
change lanes, move an Obstacle Tile or take no action.
You are not required to change lanes or move an obstacle, if you do not wish to.
Rolling a Lane Change Icon allows your vehicle to move into an adjacent space in an adjacent lane.
An adjacent space is connected to the right or left of the space you are currently occupying.
A lane change can be done before, during or at the end of your Speed Die movement and does not count against your speed movement.
Vehicles may not change lanes into a space occupied by another racer unless they have enough movement from the Speed Die to continue on and move past that racer.
The Obstacle Icon allows you to move one Obstacle Tile of your choice to a new valid space on the track.
Obstacles may not be placed on spaces with the Fan or Tire power-up symbols: *
You also may not place obstacles on a space currently occupied by a vehicle or on the tunnel paths, the Sky Path, the Starting Ramp or back in the same spot they were just in.
You may move an Obstacle Tile at any time during your turn—before, during or after moving your racer.
Placing obstacles on crystal-collection symbols does not prevent players from collecting crystals when they pass through a crystal space or use their Mega Tires to go over the obstacle.
No Action Icon
You do not get to change lanes or move an Obstacle Tile.
You may want to reroll if you have not already used your reroll option.
Collecting Crystals
There are four Crystal Craters along the track where crystals can be collected. When you stop on or pass the spaces that have the crystal symbol *, collect one crystal of your color from that zone’s Crystal Crater. Place the crystal in one of the numbered spaces on your Dashboard.
NOTE: When accessing the Vine Tunnel shortcut or Sky Path, you will bypass the crystal-collection spaces near Lava Lakes and may not collect a crystal from that crater.
Your Dashboard shows the available power-ups that can be activated with the crystals you collect. Each power-up requires a different amount of crystals before it can be used to enhance your vehicle’s performance. Once a crystal has been placed on your Dashboard, it cannot be moved to another power-up space, so plan your strategy carefully.
Vehicle Power-Ups
Power-ups allow you to drive over an obstacle or take a tunnel shortcut with Mega Tires, access the Sky Path with Cosmic Lift, or add three spaces to your Speed Die movement with Turbo Boost.
Your power-up only lasts during the turn in which you activated it.
If you have enough crystals, then you may use more than one power-up in the same turn.
Each Mega Tire power-up will allow you to either access a tunnel or drive over an obstacle but activating just one Mega Tire will not allow you to do both on the same turn.
Once crystals have been used to activate a vehicle’s power-up, they are considered spent and are discarded into the box. You will need to collect new crystals to activate that power-up again.
Obstacle Tiles
Racers may not drive over Obstacle Tiles unless they choose to use their Mega Tires. Once activated, your vehicle can drive over an Obstacle Tile. Otherwise, you will need to use the Action Die to navigate around or move an obstacle that is in your lane.
Vehicles may not change lanes into a space occupied by an Obstacle Tile unless they activate their Mega Tires to drive over the obstacle.
You may not stop your movement on top of an Obstacle Tile, even with Mega Tires. If your Speed Die movement will not allow you to move past it, you will need to stop one space behind the obstacle.
Shortcuts require a power-up to be activated before a vehicle can access them. The shortcuts are accessible from any one of their three adjacent icon spaces. Do not count any lanes between the shortcut and the icon space that your racer is on as part of your movement.
NOTE: Tunnel and Sky Path shortcuts are shared spaces. More than one player may be stopped there at the same time.
Vine & Slime Desert Tunnels
Each tunnel shortcut counts as one space off the main track. To access a tunnel shortcut, you will need to activate one of your Mega Tire power-ups. Each entrance has marked spaces with a tire icon, and another icon marks the exits onto the main track.
Sky Path
The Sky Path counts as five spaces off the main track.
To access the Sky Path, you will need to activate your Cosmic Lift power-up. The entrance to the Sky Path has marked spaces with a fan icon, and another icon marks the exit onto the main track.
The game ends once a racer completes a second lap and crosses the finish line. The winner earns the Crystal Cup Trophy!
You will be among some of the best drivers in the galaxy, so plan your path around the track wisely in Crystal Cup Rally!
Racers start your engines. Three, two, one . . . GO!

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What Does Child Do To Use Skill In The Game?
On each roll of the dice, players look closely at the gameboard to identify options for moving their racer pawn.
How Parents Can Assist Learning
Parents can support children by encouraging them to look at the position of other players' pawns, as well as to pay close attention to the different symbols and obstacles in front of their racer pawn on the gameboard.
Learning Implications and Educator Support
Playing Crystal Cup Rally helps children develop spatial reasoning skills, planning, strategic thinking and perspective changing.
Educators can support children by encouraging them to look at the position of other players' pawns, as well as to pay close attention to the different symbols and obstacles in front of their racer pawn on the gameboard. They can also explore the distances and relationship of different pawns, obstacles and routes.
What Does Child Do To Use Skill In The Game?
After comparing options, players determine how to move their pawn, including when to use power ups.
How Parents Can Assist Learning
Crystal Cup Rally involves examining the board and creating mental models of different paths a racer pawn can take sequencing number on the Speed Die, action on the Action Die, and any power ups the child has secured.
When first learning to play, players will think about consequences of the immediate move. As they become more proficient, children will think about multiple moves ahead in order to more effectively evaluate how to move their pawn relative to the pawns of other players.
Learning Implications and Educator Support
Crystal Cup Rally involves determining what sequence of moves is best on a child's turn.
Children examine the board and create mental models of different paths a racer pawn can take sequencing number on the Speed Die, action on the Action Die, and any power ups the child has secured.
When first learning to play, players will think about consequences of the immediate move. As they become more proficient, children will think about multiple moves ahead in order to more effectively evaluate how to move their pawn relative to the pawns of other players.
What Does Child Do To Use Skill In The Game?
In conjunction with exploring and determining, players need to compare different pathways they can take on their turn, and the relationship of their racer pawn to those of other players in order to make best decision.
How Parents Can Assist Learning
To help children evaluate different options, encourage them to "Wait. Look. Think." This will help them spend time considering different moves and the consequences of those moves, which is needed for making comparisons of move options.
This will also help with impulsivity and planning.
Using such verbal cues can give children a model for approaching future play.
Learning Implications and Educator Support
Making mental models of a space and movement in Crystal Cup Racer is an advanced, complex cognitive skill that supports learning spatial relations, pattern recognition and creative problem solving.
To help children evaluate different options, encourage them to "Wait. Look. Think." This will help them spend time considering different moves and the consequences of those moves, which is needed for making comparisons of move options.
This will also help with impulsivity and planning.
Using such verbal cues can give children a model for approaching future play.
What Does Child Do To Use Skill In The Game?
As play proceeds, players will begin to predict what others will do based on their position on the gameboard, and moves made and chrystals collected during the game.
How Parents Can Assist Learning
To help children predict, ask them to share different moves they are considering and what they think an opponent might move in response. Alternatively, ask them to think about what their opponent might move next. This requires playing non-competitively for the purpose of learning.
Learning Implications and Educator Support
Predicting involves skills like analysis, observation, empathy and interpretation. Also, children need to learn how to change perspective, imagining being their opponent, in order to have optimal predicting skills.
Educators can prompt children to practice predicting by asking them to share what opportunities they see on the board, different moves they are considering and what they think an opponent might move on their next turn. This requires playing non-competitively for the purpose of learning.
What Does Child Do To Use Skill In The Game?
Crystal Cup Rally is a very good game for developing planning skills as players must sequence a range of possible moves on their turn to pick best path and/or make defensive moves to block other players.
How Parents Can Assist Learning
Encourage the children to discuss the goal for the game. Then, discuss how they might play different sequences of actions, power ups, and moves based on Speed Die to reach the goal. This requires playing non-competitively for the purpose of learning.
To help children plan their next move(s) encourage them to "Wait. Look. Think." This will help them spend time considering different moves and the consequences of those moves, which is needed for making comparisons of move options. This will also help with impulsivity and planning. Using such verbal cues can give children a model for approaching future play. Remind children to plan for each of their pieces, so none is left behind.
Learning Implications and Educator Support
Planning is an important skill for developing strategic thinking, persistence and reaching a goal.
Encourage the children to discuss the goal for the game. Then, discuss how they might play different sequences of actions, power ups, and moves based on Speed Die to reach the goal. This requires playing non-competitively for the purpose of learning.
What Does Child Do To Use Skill In The Game?
Players will likely experiment with different power ups and shortcuts as part of learning different strategies for playing the game. This experimentation helps players improve proficiency for playing the game again later.
How Parents Can Assist Learning
Crystal Cup Rally is good for experimenting with strategy and tactics. Discuss different strategies prior to starting the game and encourage the child to select one. For example, collect crystals to obtain Mega Tire power ups before Cosmic Lift or Turbo Boost. Play the game and discuss. Then, play again with the child trying a different strategy. Discuss again and compare the advantages and disadvantages.
Learning Implications and Educator Support
Crystal Cup Rally is good for experimenting with strategy and tactics. Discuss different strategies prior to starting the game and encourage the child to select one. For example, collect crystals to obtain Mega Tire power ups before Cosmic Lift or Turbo Boost. Play the game and discuss. Then, play again with the child trying a different strategy. Discuss again and compare the advantages and disadvantages.
What Does Child Do To Use Skill In The Game?
As gameplay proceeds, players gain knowledge of what approaches work better in a given situation.
How Parents Can Assist Learning
Crystal Cup Rally can be played by a wide age range of children (and adults!) because there are different levels of strategy and mastery. Therefore, the more children play the more capable they will be in developing and executing increasingly sophisticated strategies. Also, as they become proficient, they will be able to teach others. Teaching others demonstrates mastery, the final stage of learning, and is wonderful for building self-esteem, confidence and intrinsic motivation.
Learning Implications and Educator Support
Crystal Cup Rally can be played by a wide age range of children (and adults!) because there are different levels of strategy and mastery. Therefore, the more children play the more capable they will be in developing and executing increasingly sophisticated strategies. Also, as they become proficient, they will be able to teach others. Teaching others demonstrates mastery, the final stage of learning, and is wonderful for building self-esteem, confidence and intrinsic motivation.
What Does Child Do To Use Skill In The Game?
Crystal Cup Rally involves a light amount of solving, which is tied closely to practicing and planning.
How Parents Can Assist Learning
Crystal Cup Rally can be played by a wide age range of children (and adults!) because there are different levels of strategy and mastery. Therefore, the more children play the more capable they will be in developing and executing increasingly sophisticated strategies. Also, as they become proficient, they will be able to teach others. Teaching others demonstrates mastery, the final stage of learning, and is wonderful for building self-esteem, confidence and intrinsic motivation.
Learning Implications and Educator Support
Crystal Cup Rally can be played by a wide age range of children (and adults!) because there are different levels of strategy and mastery. Therefore, the more children play the more capable they will be in developing and executing increasingly sophisticated strategies. Also, as they become proficient, they will be able to teach others. Teaching others demonstrates mastery, the final stage of learning, and is wonderful for building self-esteem, confidence and intrinsic motivation.
What Does Child Do To Use Skill In The Game?
Reviewing is not required, but players naturally observe and think about the consequences of their moves to see how effective their choices were.
How Parents Can Assist Learning
During or after the game, discuss moves and what worked and did not work as expected.
Learning Implications and Educator Support
During or after the game, discuss moves and what worked and did not work as expected.
Educators can watch as children play and ask children to describe their thinking when they make a particularly good move.
*Data compiled from CCSSI ELA Standards, WA Science Standards, and Washington Social Studies Standards

Suggestions for How to Modify Play Experience
Crystal Cup Rally is a complex game requiring spatial reasoning and decision making based on thinking about other players' potential moves. This makes the game too challenging for children with cognitive delays.
Crystal Cup Rally can be modified to become a simple race game. Eliminate the Action Die and obstacles. Play it as a straight race game using the Speed Die to move vehicles around the board. Gather crystals as a reward as the cars pass the crystal craters, but don't use them for power ups. Add new rules gradually, if desired, as the child learns to play one-step at a time.
Suggestions for How to Modify Play Experience
Crystal Cup Rally presents a fun way to learn vocabulary (obstacle, dashboard, power-up, shortcut) related to driving and how to follow complex directions guided by the symbols used in the game. Children with language comprehension concerns may need to be reminded during play of the meaning of the symbols and the rules of the game.
Make larger versions of the symbols on the board and label them with their meaning. Also write out the new vocabulary, so children can learn the word, the meaning, and the spelling of the word.
Suggestions for How to Modify Play Experience
The manipulatives used in the game are small. A player with fine motor concerns may need assistance picking up and/or moving the small parts.
Play as partners, if a player has difficulty manipulating the pieces.
Social Emotional/Behavioral
Suggestions for How to Modify Play Experience
Crystal Cup Rally has many ways for players to play both offensively and defensively. Children with low frustration tolerance may find the game emotionally difficult if they are frequently thwarted in their moves forward. Encourage these children by providing examples of optional plays that they can make to counter their opponents moves. Help them think carefully about their own options when it is their turn.
Play as partners if the child is easily upset by stumbling blocks. Have a player with higher level skills help the child think about and discuss potential plays. The partner can also model prosocial behaviors when another player places an obstacle in their way.
Suggestions for How to Modify Play Experience
There are many low contrast aspects on the game board (road lanes) and small symbols to analyze for moves. For these reasons, Crystal Cup Rally is not recommended for children with low vision.
Use a bright contrasting marker to delineate the lines on the raceway. Other players can cue the player with low vision about the symbols encountered and help place obstacles where desired.
Draw large size symbols for the player to refer to when they are encountered on the board.
Suggestions for How to Modify Play Experience
Hearing difficulties should not interfere with playing and enjoying Crystal Cup Rally.
*Data compiled from CCSSI ELA Standards, WA Science Standards, and Washington Social Studies Standards

Autism Strengths & Interests
Short Summary of Strengths & Interests
- Decision making
- Predicting
- Spatial reasoning
Is good at matching visual items
Is This Game Appropriate? No
Visual match is not needed.
Has a good memory for sensory details, including visual, touch, taste and smell
This game is not appropriate
Has a good memory for words, phrases and dialouge
Is This Game Appropriate? No
The game can teach new vocabulary, such as Power Up, Obstacle, Short Cut, etc.
Has a good memory for pictures, numbers and patterns
Is This Game Appropriate? Yes
Players need to remember the meaning of the visual symbols on the board to know where they can place obstacles and enter the Sky Path and Tunnels.
Likes to put things in order or a sequence
Is This Game Appropriate? Yes
Crystal Cup Rallly requires ordering actions related to the Speed Die and the Action Die. Players must analyze the situation of other players to determine the best move to make. The order of play is not the same with each turn, which may be confusing to some children with autism.
Learns through visualizing or "replaying" actions in their mind
Is This Game Appropriate? Yes
Likes activities with rules, such as math and phonics
This game is not appropriate
Is very concrete and literal
This game is not appropriate
Learns in small "chunks" (for example, phone numbers are 3 chunks of number xxx-xxx-xxxx that are combined together)
This game is not appropriate
Is good at nonverbal reasoning and logic
Is This Game Appropriate? Yes
Crystal Cup Rally is a game of nonverbal reasoning. Critical thinking, spatial reasoning, planning, and decision making are needed at each turn. Players must weigh the gain of taking the shortest path against the risk of losing valuable crystal power ups that might be needed later.
Likes spatial problem solving
Is This Game Appropriate? Yes
Crystal Cup Rally involves spatal reasoning with each turn. Players determine which race lane is the best choice, whether to take the Sky Path or tunnels to gain speed advantage.
Can read well with good vocabulary, though may not fully comprehend content
Is This Game Appropriate? No
Reading is not necessary as long as someone can read and explain the directions to the game.
Likes to use and has good fine motor skill
Is This Game Appropriate? Yes
Fine motor skills are needed to build the components of the game (Sky Path and Starting Ramp), to collect Crystals, and to move the vehicles and obstacles around the board.
Likes established routines or set ways of doing things
Is This Game Appropriate? No
Crystal Cup Rally is different with each game and even each turn within the game, depending on players' choices of what to do with shortcuts, obstacles, and lane changes.
Likes manipulating, constructing or building things
Is This Game Appropriate? Yes
Players may enjoy buidling the Starting Ramp and the Sky Path before the game begins. This may add to interest in the game.
Likes to use and has good musical abilities
This game is not appropriate
Likes to use and has good drawing skills
This game is not appropriate
Autism Special Considerations
Appears to ignore other's communication and/or has difficulty giving eye contact to a communication partner
Is This Game Appropriate for Child with Characteristic? Yes
Can Child with Characteristic Play Game w/o Modification? Yes
Strategies for Developing Compensatory Skills:
Eye contact is not necessary to play Crystal Cup Rally, but players need to watch each others' actions to understand the strategies other players are using to advance or thwart other players moves.
Has difficulty understanding complex verbal directions
Is This Game Appropriate for Child with Characteristic? No
Can Child with Characteristic Play Game w/o Modification? Yes
Strategies for Developing Compensatory Skills:
The directions to the game are complex, involving when and how vehicles can move, what various symbols mean, and what options for play include. The game could be learned by playing in a partnership with another player as long as the child has good language comprehension.
Uses vocabulary inaccurately or demonstrates echolalia (repeating another's speech)
Is This Game Appropriate for Child with Characteristic? No
Can Child with Characteristic Play Game w/o Modification? No
Strategies for Developing Compensatory Skills:
Echolalia would be distraction to other players, especially if the child is repeating what other players are saying during their turn.
Gets stuck repeating a verbal topic or physical actions and/or has difficulty attending to others' actions or topic.
Is This Game Appropriate for Child with Characteristic? Yes
Can Child with Characteristic Play Game w/o Modification? No
Strategies for Developing Compensatory Skills:
Observing and understanding others moves is a key aspect of Crystal Cup Rally. Repetitive physical actions may be distracting to others, but should not prohibit the child from playing. The degree of the child's verbal and physical perseveration will impact the child's focus of attention on the game, and should, therefore determine whether the child and others can concentrate on the game.
Has difficulty producing speech/communication
Is This Game Appropriate for Child with Characteristic? Yes
Can Child with Characteristic Play Game w/o Modification? Yes
Strategies for Developing Compensatory Skills:
Communication is not necessary during the game, though players will want to discuss moves among the players.
Has difficulty sequencing multi-step actions and/or doing complex abstract tasks
Is This Game Appropriate for Child with Characteristic? No
Can Child with Characteristic Play Game w/o Modification? No
Strategies for Developing Compensatory Skills:
The game requires multiple steps in each turn, sometimes with multiple decisions to be made for each step. This makes the game too complex for children who have difficulty handling abstract thinking or determining what might be the consequences of different decisions.
Demonstrates difficulty initiating and maintaining social interactions
Is This Game Appropriate for Child with Characteristic? Yes
Can Child with Characteristic Play Game w/o Modification? Yes
Strategies for Developing Compensatory Skills:
Social interactions, such as discussing moves, are not necessary to play the game, but make the game more interesting.
Acts out or demonstrates avoidance behaviors when frustrated, overwhelmed, or needs more sensory input.
Is This Game Appropriate for Child with Characteristic? Yes
Can Child with Characteristic Play Game w/o Modification? No
Strategies for Developing Compensatory Skills:
Players may make defensive moves, such as placing an obstacle in front of a player's vehicle. This may cause frustration for some children. If the child has a calming toy or method, this can be used when needed. Alternatively, other players can agree to be cautious in using moves that will cause the child to become overly upset.
Has short attention span for non-preferred activities
Is This Game Appropriate for Child with Characteristic? Yes
Can Child with Characteristic Play Game w/o Modification? Yes
Strategies for Developing Compensatory Skills:
If the child has a preference for visual spatial problem solving and can think ahead about the consequences of various actions, Crystal Cup Rally may be a good match.
Needs sameness or consistent routines and/or has difficulty with transitions from one activity to another
Is This Game Appropriate for Child with Characteristic? No
Can Child with Characteristic Play Game w/o Modification? No
Strategies for Developing Compensatory Skills:
Crystal Cup Rally is played differently with every turn, as players will choose varied approaches for making moves in their game play. This may be unsettling for children who like the same pattern of play with every turn. The game is not predictable in play or in outcomes of moves.
Has difficulty understanding others' feelings, intentions, and the reasons for others' actions.
Is This Game Appropriate for Child with Characteristic? Yes
Can Child with Characteristic Play Game w/o Modification? Yes
Strategies for Developing Compensatory Skills:
Although players do not need to have empathy for other players, it is helpful if they can understand the strategy different players are using. Watching others play and predicting their moves is helpful for the child to determine their own moves. It may be helpful to have players describe their thinking after they complete a successful move.
*Data compiled from CCSSI ELA Standards, WA Science Standards, and Washington Social Studies Standards

Extra Ways to Play the Game
Change a rule in Crystal Cup Rally, so that one time in the game a player can change places with another player's vehicle. If the player roles a 3 and a null sign together, they have the one-time option of trading places with another player to move ahead.
Materials Needed
No additional materials needed.
Developmental Benefits
This option enables a player who is falling far behind to catch up. This possibility can assist a child with low frustration tolerance to hold out hope of catching up and possibly winning.
*Data compiled from CCSSI ELA Standards, WA Science Standards, and Washington Social Studies Standards
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