The Best Kindergarten Math Games for the Classroom

The most rapid stage of a child’s development is from birth to five years old. During this time, they're slowly introduced to math as they explore their surroundings. This includes basic math concepts such as identifying shapes or using their fingers to indicate their age. Attending kindergarten at the age of five reinforces these concepts, and they begin to learn even more.
How a kindergartner learns math often determines how they view and approach the subject throughout their lives. Poor experiences can lead to negativity toward the subject and math anxiety. It's a condition that almost 93% of Americans currently experience. The key to avoiding this is making the learning experience engaging and fun. Kindergarten math games for the classroom and homeschooling can help teachers achieve this.
It will help you provide your students with a good math foundation and increase their chances of overall academic success. There are also many other benefits. Read on to find out what they are. You’ll also learn about everyday math kindergarten games that can help make learning exciting for your students.

Benefits of Teaching Kindergarten Math with Games
Card and board games can be a fun way to spend time with friends or family or simply pass the time. However, this unassuming activity also enhances cognitive skills. Kindergarten math board games can do the same for your students as well. Kindergarten math games for the classroom benefit both you and your students. Here’s why:
Keeps Students Focused
Incorporating games into your lesson plan makes learning math fun and more manageable. It’s this ‘fun’ factor that keeps students engaged and interested in the activity. Board games promote active learning as students practice the concepts to be successful at the game. This keeps them focused and motivated while they learn.
Creates Reinforcement
Studies show that the key to getting good at math is practice. This should also involve practicing different types of math. This particular study involved children above kindergarten age. However, other studies also showed that repetition in many games helps students retain what they learn.

Collaborative Learning
Retention is also reinforced by collaborative learning. Most of the fun math activities for kindergarten require group involvement. This not only encourages students to learn, but they also help one another as they try to find the answers.
This is particularly evident when students need to work in teams. This allows them to interact more effectively and learn to play and work well with others. They also learn how to experiment and strategize as they try to solve problems. Creating a kindergarten math scavenger hunt is a great way to build on this.
Enhances Skill Levels
Over 80% of studies on game-based learning show positive results. Kindergarten math games for the classroom can introduce new skills and enhance current skill levels. Fun counting games for kindergarten provide the foundation kids need for future concepts, including addition and subtraction.
Students also learn reasoning and problem-solving when you incorporate games while teaching math. This also helps them understand basic as well as more advanced concepts.

Builds Confidence
Lack of confidence can contribute to and exacerbate math anxiety. However, this doesn’t have to be an issue for your students once they have the proper foundation. Kindergarten number activities reinforce concepts and can help with problem-solving. Both can go a long way in building a child’s confidence when faced with a math problem.
Facilitates Classroom Management
The benefits above directly impact students and can assist you throughout the teaching process. Children are less self-conscious while at play. They’re also more likely to express themselves freely. How they interact and deal with problem-solving as they play allows you to observe their strengths and weaknesses. You can then structure your lesson plan to focus on the areas that pose a more significant challenge for students.
The 5 Best Kindergarten Math Games for the Classroom
You can start making learning math fun again. Simply use any of these kindergarten math games for the classroom.
1. Tally On
Playing counting games in kindergarten helps children develop the skills they need to move on to the four basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Tally On is suitable for kindergartners. It allows them to practice counting and addition. They’ll need to fill up the delivery truck and win cards. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins. The game can also be adjusted to suit various skill levels. This makes it particularly suitable for this age group.
2. Hook ‘Em
Playing Hook ‘Em with your students is another fun way to incorporate counting practice in kindergarten. It’s a great team activity as it accommodates up to eight players. Each player simply rolls the dice and collects fish.
Decision-making comes into play as they can leave their catch and go again to keep fishing. They’ll also need to be strategic, as they can take fish from other players. The player with the most fish wins. Hook ‘Em allows students to build several skills while having fun.
3. Take Us Home
Take Us Home is a fun game, especially if your students adore pets. It blends this love with math. They get to find lost pets in the neighborhood and when they get them to the right home, they receive a token. The player with the most tokens wins. The game teaches kids how to match and count.
4. Glow Spotters
This is another fun game involving animals. Players must count fireflies (‘Glow Tiles’) as they fit them on their Glow boards to earn their badges. The panels are a grid of shapes with a corresponding tile that fits each. Players roll the die and receive a tile. However, the tile must fit into one of the grids on their Glow boards. The player who completes all their Glow bards first wins.
5. Math Room
Kids can practice their addition and subtraction while playing Math Room. The player rolls the die, solves the math equation on the key, and then covers the answer or ‘window’ on their math board or ‘inn.’
It seems simple enough, but there’s a timing component. They must solve the problem before the other players - ringing the bell to indicate they have done this. The player who covers all the windows on their board first wins.
Making Math More Enjoyable for Kindergartners with SimplyFun
Many people react negatively when math becomes a topic of discussion. This reaction isn’t limited to a particular age group. It can manifest in adults faced with math courses at university or with math-related content at work.
Chances are their anxiety stems from their childhood experiences while learning math. As a teacher, you can positively influence your students so that they avoid the same fate. Kindergarten math games for the classroom can help.
SimplyFun has a variety of games targeting all ages and subjects, including math. Whether you want to incorporate educational board games or card games into your lesson plan, we have games your students will love. Take the time to browse our site and explore all our available options today!