Explore Our Early Childhood Education Game, Hazel's Helpers

Join Hazel the busy beaver in Hazel's Helpers, an early childhood education game that develops fine motor skills a long with important soft skills like decision-making. It’s also a great game for teaching construction craft and planning capabilities in young learners ages 4 and up.

Hazel the Busy Beaver
Hazel is a busy, thick-furred, webbed-footed beaver who has strong swimming skills and large teeth. She uses her talents to fell trees to construct dams and lodges while helping teach her younger siblings (called kits) these important skills too.

How to Play
Let’s play Hazel’s Helpers! Players start with 10 log pieces and two cattail pawns. Then, take turns rolling the die—which is marked with various symbols—to determine their actions. Based on the roll, you’ll either connect logs to build their beaver lodge, remove or replace cattails, roll the rock towards an opposing player’s lodge or interact with the ducks–maybe even quack like one! Also, if your roll lands on the beaver tail ‘slap’ symbol, everyone claps their hands to mimic the sound of a beaver tail slapping the water. After that, the player gets to roll again! The first player to use all 10 of their logs to build their lodge wins the game! Hazel’s Helpers is intended for 2-4 players ages 4 and older and takes 15 minutes to play.

What Makes this Game so Special
“Hazel’s Helpers does a great job showing young learners how hard working and smart beavers are.” said Patty Pearcy, President and CEO of SimplyFun. “Not only do players get to learn about how beavers work together using mud, sticks, rocks and logs to build damns and lodges, but they get to practice their own decision making and building skills while exploring creative ways to construct their own beaver lodge.”